Stratford Price Painting
6-434 Archibald Street,Détails de l'entreprise
Clean. Sharp. On Time.
Stratford Price Painting is a Baeulmler Approved Winnipeg residential and commercial painting company. Our speciality is in getting the job done right.
Our policy is that if it isn't good enough for our homes, it isn't good enough for yours.
We strive to meet a standard and expectation that you can rely on and trust for any project. We'll work with you to get the result that you're looking for, and back it up with our Three Year Iron Clad Guarantee.
If you're looking for the best in painting, look no further. Call us today at (204) 691-6264 or visit us at for an estimate and consultation for your project, free of charge.
Stratford Price Painting Inc. is a part of the Stratford Price group of companies.
Certifications et associations
Baeumler Approved Certification from HGTV's Bryan Baeumler, Members of the Professional Property Manager's Association, Members of the Winnipeg Construction Association
Heures d'ouverture
- Mercredi
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- Samedi Fermé
- Dimanche Fermé
- Lundi
- Mardi