Détails de l'entreprise
BuggyBeds® is a patented bedbug detection system that will never interfere with your lifestyle and bring you peace of mind everywhere you go! It is designed to alert you that you have a potential problem, before it’s too late! Our custom formulated glue monitors are designed to attract bedbugs and other insects into the trap for detection purposes. BuggyBeds® monitors have a unique crushproof design that allows for easy access of bugs and a clear viewing area for easy detection.
BuggyBeds® monitors are easy and ready to use right out of the box. Simply Slide & Hide each monitor in all four corners of the bed between the mattress and box spring, couch cushions, in your auto or just about anywhere, will provide you with around-the-clock detection and peace of mind.
A simple visual check periodically of your BuggyBeds® monitors will allow you to detect bedbugs early and save you thousands of dollars! If a bug is detected, we recommend that you call a professional exterminator or alert the proper authorities for further evaluation. BuggyBeds® monitors can detect up to six months. Discard and replace when one or more bugs are detected or every six months.
While on travel, upon arrival in your hotel, immediately place your BuggyBeds® monitors between the hotel mattress and box spring or on the top of the mattress. Upon checkout, place your BuggyBeds®
traps in your luggage before closing to monitor for any bedbugs. Now
you can be sure your vacation is worry-free and only take home the
BuggyBeds® monitors can be placed under the back carpet floor mats in your vehicles. Help your
college student by keeping out unwanted roommates in their dorm with BuggyBeds® monitors!
BuggyBeds® monitors should be used after an area is treated to monitor the effectiveness of the treatment while providing peace of mind.
BuggyBeds® monitors are a patented unique design intended to lure and detect bedbugs in all areas of your life – home, vacation, movie theaters, cruises, dorms, automobiles, boats, & more!
Langues disponibles
- English