Détails de l'entreprise
Tri Star Painting is proud to offer the highest quality services at the lowest possible prices in BC, Canada.if you need interior or exterior painting on residential or commercial buildings, Tri Star Painting is the company to call.
How can we offer such quality painting at lowest prices:
-Experience:Practice makes perfect and we've mastered the trade.
-Time-tested Process: We know how to get the job done quickly, without cutting corners.
-Qualified Staff: Every Tri Star Painting employee is fully qualified to handle any interior or exterior, residential or commercial painting requirement.
-Top Quality Products:We use only high grade products.Quality painting products do a better job.it's that simple.
-Prompt, reliable and professional service by all of our staff
-Highly Experienced foremen and qualified painters
-Competitive pricing
-Committed to uncompromised customer satisfaction with every job
-No job is complete until you, the customer, is 100% satisfied
- Peintres
Langues disponibles
- English
Heures d'ouverture
- Vendredi Sur rendez-vous
- Samedi Sur rendez-vous
- Dimanche Sur rendez-vous
- Lundi Sur rendez-vous
- Mardi Sur rendez-vous
- Mercredi Sur rendez-vous
- Jeudi Sur rendez-vous