Blue Buddha Acupuncture Clinic
30 Charles Brown Road,Détails de l'entreprise
There are two types of traditional Chinese massage, Tui-Na which focuses on pushing, stretching and pressing at acupressure points and Chinese medicine massage which is known as Amno. Both are based on principles from traditional Chinese medicine but in the western countries mistaken for regular massage, which they are not. These are helpful for all types of ailments and pain, come let Blue Buddha show you why Chinese Massage and Medicine is the best remedy.
Treatment Services:
- Body Treatment, Acupuncture Therapy, Massage Therapy, Chinese Herbs
Certifications et associations
Chinese Medicine Doctor
Détails du stationnement
- Gratuit
Langues disponibles
- English
- Mandarin
Heures d'ouverture
- Vendredi
- Samedi
- Lundi
- Mardi
- Mercredi
- Jeudi