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Détails de l'entreprise
Royal University Hospital is located on the University of Saskatchewan campus located off College Drive near the top of the University Bridge in Saskatoon.
Royal University Hospital opened on Saturday, May 14, 1955 during a public ceremony officiated by then Premier Tommy Douglas. The seven-wing, seven-story hospital took eight years to build.
The opening of RUH fulfilled a huge need in the province:
a first-class hospital facility with diagnostic equipment and laboratories was now linked with the University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine to deliver a comprehensive health program
a partnership between training and healthcare was in place to create the most important medical centre in the province, one which would raise the standard of medical treatment throughout Saskatchewan.
Within Saskatoon Health Region, RUH serves as a leader in providing acute-care services for the province. The hospital serves as the main trauma center for the entire province, houses many maternal and child services, neurosurgery and cardiovascular surgery.
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