Shun Cheng Traditional Acupuncture Center
4880 Colbrook Crt,Détails de l'entreprise
BC registered Chinese medicine practitioners, acupuncturists, herbalists.
Master of Guangzhou University of TCM.
Modeled after China Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine Professor Mao Wei.
Indications: internal medicine, gynecology, orthopedics, dermatology.
Good treatment: positive migraine headaches, shoulder, neck, low back pain, acute flash back, colds and coughs, facial palsy, Rheumatoid arthritis, knee pain, intercostal neuralgia, sciatica, neuralgia, frozen shoulder, tennis
Elbow, chronic nephritis, chronic liver and gallbladder inflammation, benign prostatic hypertrophy, urinary incontinence, hemorrhoids, rectal prolapse, hyperthyroidism. Inner ear vertigo, hyperacidity, chronic appendicitis, recurrent diarrhea, habitual constipation, frequent insomnia, Pollen allergy, arrhythmia, tinnitus, stroke sequelae, habitual abortion, tubal blockage, uterine prolapse, Uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, menstrual pain, mastitis, infertility, abnormal fetal position, irregular menstruation (amenorrhea, menstrual Too much, too little, excessive menstruation), menopausal syndrome, allergic rash, seasonal pruritus, Eczema, herpes zoster, slipped disc, joint dislocation, accident sequelae, herbal cosmetic whitening, acne, Lose weight, and all kinds of chronic diseases.
Acute and chronic conjunctivitis, cataract eye, dryness or tearing eye, efforts meat soaked eyes, photophobia photophobia, sensitive, inflamed Chitong
, Depending on the material from the hazy white spot, there are health impaired blindfolded, restless, speed to seek medical attention, once off the drug effective immediately comfortable.
Child eye irritation, photophobia tears, after treatment like, do not worry, by appointment only.
Address in the column near the city public market. BUSWELL ST 6420
To accept low-MSP, ICBC and all insurance acupuncture.
- same year, ten times those receiving acupuncture treatment can be obtained free of charge again.
Give us a call today to learn more!
Langues disponibles
- English
Heures d'ouverture
- Mercredi Sur rendez-vous
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