Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Clinic
1020 Caledonia Rd,Détails de l'entreprise
Founded in 1999, the Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Clinic is dedicated to the healing and prevention of chronic and degenerative diseases through ancient Chinese medical sciences. Traditional Chinese Medicine has been practised in China for almost 4,000 years. It is based on ancient understandings of anatomy, physiology, herbal knowledge, as well as clinical experience. The doctor diagnoses the patient through a holistic evaluation that includes the patient's symptoms, pulse, throat, tongue, and colouring. Once the doctor has reached a diagnosis, the patient is treated with a system that can include herbal medicine, acupuncture or acupressure. See the Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Clinic website to read more about acupuncture, the doctors, an FAQ page, and more.
Certifications et associations
Graduate of HeBei Medical University (TCMP, R.Ac,.) and the China Academy of TCM (Master); Registered Acupuncturist and Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner
- Gestion de la douleur
- Infertilité
- Phytothérapie
- Blessures sportives
- Traitements de la peau
- Thérapie d'anxiété et dépression
- Traitement des migraines
- Revendications WSIB
- Médecine à base de plantes chinoise
- Tai Chi
- QiGong
- Accidents de voiture
- L'acupuncture pour SPM
- Acupuncture pour la fertilité
- Acupuncture
- Médecine préventive
- Remède naturel de ménopause
- Prévention des maladies
- Équilibre et vertiges
- Asthme et allergie
- Renforcer le système immunitaire
- Réduction du taux de cholestérol
- Contrôle du poids
- Traitement de Vertigo
- Prévention du cancer
- Massage MTA
- Soulagement de l'hypertension artérielle
Détails du stationnement
- Gratuit
Langues disponibles
- English
- Italian
- Mandarin
Heures d'ouverture
- Jeudi
- Vendredi
- Samedi
- Lundi
- Mardi
- Mercredi