Détails de l'entreprise
- DWHL is a non-contact league and rules, unless otherwise noted below, will conform to Hockey Canada (CAHA) guidelines. Note: There may be an exception to certain CAHA rules not noted below.
-All fees must be paid in full, on or prior to the dates established by the league. Failure to adhere to this policy can result in a team being taken off the schedule. If you require an extension to the established dates, contact a DWHL rep to make alternate plans.
-Team Captains must provide a full roster upon registering a team to jason@dwhl.ca, who manages the stats and playoff eligibility, prior to each season.
-Players MUST be 18 Yrs of age to play in the DWHL. ANY exceptions MUST be accompanied by a letter signed by the parents/guardians of the individual, accepting full responsibility and waiving any claims to damages from the league should that player be injured. THE LEAGUE MUST be notified beforehand when a player under 18 is needed to play and will decide if such player can play or not.
-The league strongly advises players to adhere to QUEBEC LAW, which states all players must wear full facial protectors and neck guards while playing. The league will not be responsible for injuries and/or fines incurred as a result of non-compliance.
Langues disponibles
- English
- Français